1. Before you log into the digital registration system, make sure TO DEVOTE YOUR UNDIVIDED ATTENTION: The detailed information for 1st year students of full-time programme concerning the organization of PE classes and credit conditions.
  2. Please compare the schedule of your classes / exercises, lectures, language courses / with the offer of the Physical Education Centre. Pay special attention in your schedule to classes starting, for example, in November and December. Then, please choose a PE group so that its date does not interfere with other classes, following the instructions on the following registration pages.
  3. The system allows registration only to one of the groups. In the event of registering to the wrong class by mistake, a student must go to „Sign out form classes” button and choose the classes that are not fully booked.
  4. Please also note that the numer of pleaces for the groups is limited. If a given group is fully booked, it automatically disappears form the registration list of aviable courses. When it happens, that a studnet dicides to sign out form the group, it becomes open for registration once again.
  5. The deadline for the online registration is 13.10.2024
    From 14.10.2024, students will be enrolled in groups with vacancies. Please contact the Head of the PE Study during the duty hours or at the address swf@afm.edu.pl (providing your surname, first name and album number). You may only change the PE classes, in case of a vacancy in other PE groups.

In case of problems with the registration or any other inconveniences, please contact us at: informatycy@afm.edu.pl by stating your full name and your index book numer.

  1. Physical education classes are not entered into the schedules in the Virtual Dean's Office system.
  2. If you were an athlete or maybe you still regularly practice sport and you would like to receive PE credit by participating in the University Sports Association (Polish – AZS), as well as represent Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Kraków University in sport competitions, or Regional and National Championships:

- men’s and women’s basketball
- men’s and women’s volleyball
- futsal

is completed, one is obliged to attend the classes in person /go to: AZS schedule/. Students who are not accepted to join AZS, must therefore register to PE classes electronically.

The PE and AZS classes are scheduled to start on 1.10.2024


Uniwersytet Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego w Krakowie - www.uafm.edu.pl. Kontakt | Polityka prywatności. Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone.

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